

                  STRESS  is unavoidable in our busy lives. At The Pacific Moon, we wanted to reduce your stress.

By relaxing your mind, along with therapeutic body work, you will be able to overcome some of that stress. We wanted to help anyone learn to feel the happiness that comes from managing their personal stress levels. Our trained therapists would have assisted you in developing a better melding of mind and body. Through the use of a Traditional Chinese Bodywork methods of ACUPRESSURE, THAI MASSAGE and/or through the use of REFLEXOLOGY, we wanted to work with you to reduce your levels of distress (the harmful stress) and to increase your levels of eustress (the beneficial  stress) to produce harmony.

Buddhist teachings say, "We already have perfect compassion, perfect wisdom and perfect joy. We only need to settle our minds so they can arise from deep within us."  We, at The Pacific Moon, sincerely wanted to help you settle your mind by helping you take care of your body.

Don't let stress wear you down. If you had called us, we would have tried to setup a convenient appointment for you with one of our therapists.

Hours were:      Monday thru Sunday: 12pm until 9pm         Summer Hours were to be Adjusted for Swim Season

Something to think about:   LIFE IS FULL OF HATEFUL PEOPLE. Always support the ones who advocate love and fairness. NAMASTE.